Friday, September 5, 2008

learning how to behave

This week, we had case day. This was meant to teach us how to behave in class. In order to encourage us to vary our comments, we were told to use one of three items to speak in class:

- raise hand - introduce a new point
- yellow card - clarifying question
- red card - challenging or disagreeing with previous point

There seems to be some soccer (or football, as my non-NorthAm class mates keep telling me) inspiration in the cards. Not that they correspond to soccer penalties, but the terminology.

Anyway, the cards were illustrative and used for only one class. We turned them back in before the end of the class. I suppose the one-time use was designed to inspire good habits. Interesting experience to have to signal that you're going to disagree with someone before you go ahead and disagree with them. It did make me more aware of the kinds of points I make in class, and that I should challenge classmates more often.

I'm now 37% more disagreeable.

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