Wednesday, April 30, 2008

looking back

I tend not to write many things down. This is usually a plus since it reduces the paper clutter in my life. The minus is that I tend to forget. Result: Good for trees, bad for learning from my experiences.

I've decided to try something new: writing things down. The past six months have been a whirlwind of work (both applications and the kind I get paid to do) and agonizing, but I am finally in at an MBA program. Two, actually. I had the rare luxury of picking after all those months of hoping one of the schools I applied to would pick me.

It was looking pretty grim there, but it all turned out fine. I sent the enrollment check a few weeks ago and everything. Looks like I'll be getting an MBA.

It's been an interesting process so far. I won't tell you where I've decided to go yet. That's the destination and I'm still talking about the journey. But it is part of the story and I'll get there.

I'm starting this blog to share my experiences as an MBA applicant for 2008. I would definitely change some of the things I did, and I would gamble on some of my decisions, too. I want to share since I empathize with MBA applicants. It's scary, difficult and agonizing. But it will probably turn out fine. After all, you just need one admit.

If anything I've written here resonates with you, send me an e-mail. I'd love to hear your stories, too.

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